On World Orca Day, we’re excited to shine a spotlight on Orca Security and how these marine mammals have inspired our approach to cloud security. We sat down with our CEO and co-founder, Gil Geron, to discuss the parallels between orcas and our Cloud Security Platform.

What does Orca Security do?

At Orca Security, we’ve pioneered a comprehensive cloud security platform that’s purpose-built for the cloud. Our patented SideScanning™ technology provides agentless, frictionless security and compliance for multi-cloud environments, encompassings Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Workload Protection (CWPP), Vulnerability Management, Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM), and Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) – all in one platform. The Orca Platform empowers organizations to prioritize risks and ensure that these are addressed first, allowing them to operate in the cloud with confidence.

What inspired you to name the company Orca Security?

We were looking for a name that would closely align with who we are and what we do. Orcas are social animals that work in pods, which is similar to our collaborative approach within the company and how we work with our customers and partners. Additionally, orcas exist all over the world. From the Americas to Asia Pacific to Europe, we aspire to support customers and partners in their cloud security journeys around the globe, adapting to diverse environments and challenges just as orcas do in various ocean ecosystems.

How is Orca’s SideScanning technology similar to an orca’s sonar capabilities?

Our patented agentless SideScanning™ technology scans deep and wide in vast cloud environments to provide insights in a frictionless manner. This is very similar to how orcas use their sonar capabilities to navigate and hunt in the vast oceans. An orca’s echolocation allows them to detect and track prey with exceptional precision, even in complete darkness or over long distances. Just as orcas can detect prey and potential threats from great distances, our technology can identify vulnerabilities and risks across expansive cloud environments without disrupting operations. This approach allows our customers to maintain their security posture without compromising on performance or operational efficiency.

Beyond sonar, what other orca traits are similar to Orca?

Orcas are smart and adaptive, changing their strategy every time they tackle a different challenge. This mirrors how we operate at Orca Security. Just as orcas use their powerful sonar to strategize against threats in the ocean, we use innovation to continually improve our platform and help security teams work smarter, for instance by offering built-in generative AI to accelerate and improve cloud security. Our platform is multi-purpose yet very strong, just like orcas.

Can you share more interesting facts about Orcas?

Orcas live in matriarchal pods and communicate using a variety of vocalizations unique to each pod, almost like dialects. Another interesting fact that many people don’t know is that orcas are actually dolphins, not whales.

As we celebrate World Orca Day, what do you think we can learn from orcas to help us in cybersecurity?

Even with exceptional skills and a powerful platform, working in a pod is better than working alone. This is a crucial lesson that drives our approach to cloud security. In our field, collaboration and teamwork are essential. Like orcas relying on their pod for successful hunts and mutual protection, in cloud security we must leverage our collective intelligence, expertise, and resources. At Orca Security, we don’t just work as individuals—we work as a pod, ensuring comprehensive protection that can only be realized when all parts work towards the same goal.

Securing the Digital Sea

As we celebrate World Orca Day, we’re reminded of the remarkable parallels between these intelligent marine mammals and our approach to cloud security. We’re not just inspired by these magnificent creatures—we’re evolving cybersecurity to match their intelligence, adaptability, and collaborative prowess. We’re pioneering a future where cloud security is as fluid and powerful as an orca pod in motion—comprehensive, frictionless, and always one step ahead. Are you ready to elevate your cloud security to nature’s highest standard? Book your demo now and see how you can revolutionize your cloud security strategy.