Life at Orca Security revolves around the Pod – the people who have joined Orca’s mission to make the cloud a safer place for all. The ‘Pod Spotlight’ is a Q&A series dedicated to showcasing all of the amazing talent at Orca Security.
Today we’re spotlighting Dima Kovalchuk, Technical Lead, CDR, working from the Tel Aviv, Israel office.
Why did you choose to work at Orca Security, and when did you join?
I joined Orca in May 2019 when it was transitioning out of stealth mode. I was enthusiastic about the company because of the opportunity to work with a great team while making a significant contribution and impact on the product.
What advice do you have for people getting started in your field?
Practice writing code as much as possible. This can be done through online tutorials, coding challenges, or projects. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: It’s normal to feel overwhelmed or stuck when you’re learning to code, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. This can be through online forums, peer support groups, or by asking a mentor or colleague for guidance. Building relationships with other software professionals can be a great way to learn new skills, get feedback on your work, and find job opportunities.
“Building relationships with other software professionals can be a great way to learn new skills.”
How has working at Orca Security challenged you to grow?
Orca provided me with opportunities to take on new roles and responsibilities, such as working on new projects and leading significant engineering efforts. This helped me to develop new skills and expand my knowledge.
What’s the best thing about working within a team?
For me, working within a team provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, as you are contributing to the success of the team as a whole.
Thank you, Dima, for taking the time to sit down and let us know what life is like working at Orca Security! We’re proud to have you swimming with the Pod.
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