Security Briefing: Apache Struts Vulnerability CVE-2024-53677
A critical vulnerability, CVE-2024-53677, has been identified in the Apache Struts 2 framework, a popular platform for developing Java-based web...
A critical vulnerability, CVE-2024-53677, has been identified in the Apache Struts 2 framework, a popular platform for developing Java-based web...
Kafka cluster {AwsKafkaCluster} is using Kafka version 2.4.1. This version contains bugs and is not supported by AWS MSK
You should verify that all the registry certificate files (usually found under /etc/docker/certs.d/ directory) have permissions of 444 or are...
You should verify that the TLS CA certificate file (the file that is passed along with the -- tlscacert parameter)...
You should verify that the Docker server certificate file (the file that is passed along with the --tlscert parameter) is...
You should verify that the Docker server certificate file (the file that is passed along with the --tlscert parameter) has...
You should verify that if the daemon.json is present its file permissions are correctly set to 644 or more restrictively.
You should verify that the /etc/sysconfig/docker file individual ownership and group ownership is correctly set to root.
By default, all network traffic is allowed between containers on the same host on the default network bridge.