Externally Exposed AMI
We found that your Amazon Machine Image (AMI) {AwsEc2Image} is public. A public AMI is available for use by all...
We found that your Amazon Machine Image (AMI) {AwsEc2Image} is public. A public AMI is available for use by all...
Ensure that your S3 buckets content cannot be publicly listed in order to protect against unauthorized access. An S3 bucket...
AWS IAM users can access AWS resources using different types of credentials, such as passwords or access keys. It is...
Ensure that Amazon IAM roles used to establish a trusted relationship between your AWS account and a third-party entity (also...
This report illuminates major gaps in virtual appliance security, finding many are being distributed with known, exploitable, and fixable vulnerabilities
For most organizations, cloud workload security is dependent upon the installation and maintenance of security agents across all assets. Something...
The vast majority of breaches occur when assets aren’t fully protected by existing security solutions. Use these 3 metrics for...
Traditional security procedures and safeguards are often bypassed in the cloud. Be especially vigilant in monitoring these 6 cloud security...
These are the people anyone tasked with optimizing IT spend or responsible for cloud security should be following today.